When you are recruiting staff for your business it is absolutely essential that you get it right first time. Failure to hire the best staff simply resulting you and the company wasting time and money on training and recruitment, that could be spent better elsewhere. During your recruitment process one of the most important aspects of it is that you carry out background checks on your staff. There is no excuse for not doing this, especially given the fact that there are all kinds of services offering free criminal background checks and more. To understand more about background checks, here are the other areas which you must ensure that you are informed about.
Credit Checks
When performing checks on your potential staff, especially for any job which entails the handling of money or the responsibility of finances, a credit check could give you some vital information. For example you will be able to get a great understanding of how fiscally responsible this person is in their own personal life. If someone has a poor credit score based on how they manage their own finances, how well do you really believe that they can mange someone else’s finances?
Driver’s Checks
If any aspect of the job which you are advertising requires the person to drive a vehicle then you really ought to focus heavily on this person’s driving record. A driver’s check will identify whether or not this person has any driving convictions or traffic violations, how many accidents they have been involved in and whether or not they have any penalty points on the license. It goes without saying that when these people are driving for you they will be representing the company so you cannot afford to have reckless drivers working for you.
Educational Checks
It is common knowledge that people like to embellish their educational achievements in order to give themselves a better chance of getting the job, something which you will need to get to the bottom of. An educational check will be used to verify that this person attended the schools which they say that they did, as well as being able to find out what grades the person got. If you find something that is untrue or embellished then this can tell you a lot about the integrity of your applicant, who may end up not getting the job as a result of their lies rather than their lack of education.
The point of these checks is very much two-fold, on the one hand you can check the specifics about this person’s character and their history, and on the other it is about integrity. Whether the person is not telling the truth about their driving ability, their criminal past or their education is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that they are not telling you the truth, something which won’t bode well for the future.
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