Ringless voicemail may be controversial, but there is no denying that it can be an incredibly useful tool when deciding the best routes for your business’s communication strategy. No matter the goods or services your business is trying to promote, being able to use ringless voicemail to get directly to consumers is invaluable. Ringless voicemails are messages that can be delivered directly to the voicemail inbox of individual cell phones without the phone receiving an incoming call. These types of voicemails are great for your business because they are intimate and personalized, allow you to deliver your full sales pitches, and spare your employees the agony of constant calls and hang-ups.
If your business chooses to use ringless voicemails, you can almost guarantee your message is going to get through to an individual. Americans check their phones 80 times a day. A phone is one of the most intimate and personalized things a person has. With how much cell phones seem to be more and more like appendages these days, it is very difficult for a potential customer to ignore a notification in their mailbox. And, if you get right into their voicemail box, there is no possibility of them ignoring the incoming call. That is more than can be said for traditional telemarketing.
If your business’s messaging goes straight into someone’s voicemail box, it allows you to control the exact message you will be sending. Additionally, it means it won’t be interrupted by someone hanging up. Your business will save time wasted by manually calling potential customers, exchanging pleasantries, and trying to both convey your full message and get the sale. The time saved by not doing that can be better used to carefully craft your message for voicemails. You can unleash your creativity to make a pitch that is unique and will not be interrupted. Your message might even be better received by customers because they will listen to it on their own time and schedule rather than having their day interrupted by a telemarketer. Customers being in a good mood when your message reaches them can positively affect their willingness to buy your product or learn more about your company.
One additional reason to consider using ringless voicemail to market your goods and services is the effect of telemarketing on your employees. Not only will employees save more time by going directly to voicemail boxes, it could also help employee morale. Nobody likes being shouted at or cursed out, and those are behaviors that people sometimes exhibit when they are called by a telemarketing representative. Being on the receiving end of rude behavior can really wear away at your employee’s mental state, which will not make them very efficient or friendly staff. Some telemarketers also feel stressed by the push to keep calling, maintain a consistent volume of calls, and always having to be ready to make the sale. Switching to a ringless voicemail system can save your employees the headaches of worrying about customer reactions and call output.
Using a ringless voicemail system can increase your business reach, promote your company morale, and makes your business messaging strategy more efficient. By reaching many cell phones with little effort, it allows you to focus on selling to the customers who call back and are more likely to buy. You can also use the extra time to focus on crafting your messaging to make your company marketing strategy the best it can be. Ringless voicemails are an easy, low cost way to increase company productivity and sales without changing your business model drastically.
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